Facelift surgery in Chandigarh helps in contouring the skin and underlying structure of the face to eliminate some of the most obvious signs of aging. Facial aging results in an imbalanced distribution of the soft tissues, resulting in loss of the harmonious and balanced facial features of youth. While regular skin care and non surgical interventions may be helpful in delaying these up to a point, nothing can match a facelift in its ability to bring back the youthful facial configuration and proportions.
About the procedure
A facelift helps in contouring the skin and underlying structures of the face to eliminate some of the most obvious signs of aging. Facelifts are typically performed using general anesthesia, although local anesthesia with sedation may be used in certain less extensive procedures. The procedure involves making incisions, which can be easily hidden in natural creases and along the hairline, re-draping the skin and rearranging the deeper tissues to reshape the cheeks and neck. It may also be combined with other procedures such as fat transfer, to replace the fullness of the face, blepharoplasty or eyelid enhancement and eyebrow lift.
Candidates For The Procedure
While aging is a natural phenomena, aging gracefully is a personal choice. Though facelift is no solution for this, it will certainly help those who feel that an aging appearance is negatively affecting their psychosocial functioning. A candidate for this procedure is one who is in good health, has good skin elasticity, understands the expected results and the limitations of the procedure.
Before the procedure a thorough history and physical examination is undertaken to better understand the patient’s needs and expectations, as well as their suitability for the surgery
After The Surgery
The patient should plan on taking a week off from work and take proper rest they need to heal. Total recovery time will depend on the surgical technique used, ancillary procedures done and the body’s unique rate of healing. Some amount of swelling and bruising after the procedure is expected but these subside gradually and patients will begin to see their new, youthful contours emerging and improving progressively with time.