Rhinoplasty, also known as nose job, is a procedure to reshape the nose to give it a more pleasing and aesthetic appearance which blends harmoniously with the patient’s facial proportions. The surgery can also help certain patients with an improvement in their breathing, caused due to structural irregularities in the nose. The goal of the surgery is not to create a nose like some other person but a nose which has a more balanced proportion on the face of the patient. Rhinoplasty in Chandigarh, Punjab, offers advanced techniques to help patients achieve natural and well-proportioned results.

About the Procedure

Each patient has unique facial features and there’s no “one size fits all” procedure for the patients; each patient requires an individualized approach for the surgery depending on his/her facial features, expectations and what can be realistically achieved with the surgery. The procedure is carried out under General anesthesia and has two approaches- open and closed. Those patients who require correction in most areas of the nose, an open approach is preferred since this gives a wider vision to all areas of the nose ,with a scar that is barely visible at even 2-3 weeks.

Candidates for the Procedure

Patients should understand that the decision to undergo rhinoplasty should be based upon the patient’s own perceptions and desires and not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Since the nose is the central part of one’s face, a properly carried out rhinoplasty can bring immense changes to the patient’s outlook. Best rhinoplasty surgery can provide refined and natural-looking results when performed by a skilled surgeon. Any patient whose facial growth is complete, is physically healthy and has realistic expectations from the procedure is a candidate for the surgery.

After the Surgery

A nasal packing for 2-3 days and external nasal plaster splint is applied for 7 days in most cases. While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, it may take months for new nasal contour to be fully appreciable. During this time the patients may notice gradual changes in the appearance of their nose as it refines to a more permanent outcome.